Monday, January 18, 2010

Deep Cuts...Deeper Meaning

Here it is, I was actually going to post a "quick thought for the day" and ended up thinking entirely too much and now here I am. I have a little more to say then just a few sentences. Last night's tragedy turned into a little lesson for me..Not my girls who are at 10 and 7 more mature than I remember being at 16...Man am I impressed.
My daughters last night playing ball "read earlier post" and Tiffani has become the bearer of a new scar. She was not crying, other than the initial scream of course...and after about 5 minutes of "Am I going to have a scar Mommy?" The tables turned and MUCH to my surprise....Tiffani who is 7 years old, started asking me...If "Emilee was okay?" I was thinking, "? WHAT?" is Emilee okay?

"Yes Tiff, Emmy's okay!"

"Are you sure Mommy, she is crying? Is she Okay?"

And before we left for the hospital...she had to run into the house and kiss and hug her sister...and say to her before she left.."I'm okay Sissy!"
I thought to myself the entire way to the hospital...WOW, here my kids is going to get stitches and she is worried about her sister...Watching them together last night and when Tiffani got home from the hospital Emilee has a little card and a candy present...I realised that..even though they fight...even though they get mad at each other...even though they argue constantly...
When it comes down to it, I am doing a damn good job. My kids have now more than I EVER had with my sister and my goal their entire lives was to implement that...I had never seen a real example of that until last night and Boy am I proud!

I am a very happy mommy that my girls showed their affection for each other when it really mattered and their selfishness was behind them. Today is a proud day for me, and when I am smiling today and someone asks me why I am smiling...I will just say "Just Cuz.."

Proud of my girls today and everyday but today will shine though and be a wonderful memory that sticks out above most!


  1. What a great realization today!!! I am so happy that your girls have such a bond. Not only is it awesome that they were so worried for each other but that they showed such great compassion. You definitely are raising well adjusted, mature, lovely young ladies. Great job mamma!!!
