Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back in the Day...

I was sitting here this morning and remembering back in the day...when I was completely pain free. This afternoon I have an appointment with the knee surgeon. Apparently when we got into our last accident(yes last, I have been in 5 in the last 3 years, so I have to refer to it as last) I slammed on the fake brake on the passenger side of the vehicle, it seems that in short I tore the ligaments around and under my knee cap..Yay a sports injury just for driving to the store.
This has been a real long journey, trying to heal all of my wounds. It has been pretty rough. For those of you who don't know what I have been through physically here is a short "fill you in" about what, when, where, why, and how...

Accident #1) 1996 I was in a 1980 full size blazer and I was laying down in the back seat taking a nap on a trip to Az. I was wrapped in a blanket and I did not have a seat belt on, because I was laying down. There was a uhaul tow dolly attached to the back with a Volkswagen Golf on it. Long story short, we started fishtailing, I remember seeing grass then seeing people in my face. There was a 1900 lb car on my chest no wonder I couldn't breathe. I was in the hospital for about 7 days, but was a very lucky lady...all of my stitches and scars are in my hair and one little on my can't really see them. It was pretty bad I had about 800 stitches but my long hair helps cover up the evidence. I was black and blue from head to toe, so needless to say I had a rough few weeks but all in all I ended up being alright. Blessed by the lord truly to be able to walk after that, and still be a pretty decent looking lady.

Accident #2) 2006: I was walking into my eye doctor (no pun intended) and didn't see that there was something wet, slick all over their tile floor and I took a pretty bad spill, I dislocated my hip and hurt it pretty bad, I ended up having several sets of injections and alot of physical therapy..I was recovering pretty well until

Accident #3) I was driving home from the grocery store out in the middle of the country. I was in the left hand lane that was a passing lane. There were cars behind me in both lanes, and I was getting ready to slow down and turn onto my street. I turned on my signal and I slowed to a stop noticing that all people behind me were getting into the right lane to pass...except the jerk that shotgun passed the semi. Shot Gun pass= a man in a black Nissan sped up close to the semi truck in the right lane and then went to pass him on the left but did not see the green mini van stopped in the left lane with her turn signal on. so instead of hitting me at 55 he hit me at about 70. NIIIICE... Didn't have insurance, police dealt with him. I never made it out of the car. I got my favorite shirt cut off of me, and the neighbors brought Travis and the girls down to the intersection. I was so scared. I hit my head on the steering wheel, or more like my jaw. HURT.. I was slowly recovering but really did a number on my C5,6,7 in my neck and now they are leaking all of my discs within a year YAY...but that was kinda leading me into

Accident #4) Only about 8 months after the last accident we were as a family going to Estate sales like we do/did every weekend..Only this time was quite memorable. We were on our way to the car Tiffani was right in front of me. There was a full size Chevy Suburban black as coal and he sped up to I guess get around us. He didn't He hit me in the left shoulder and chest hurting me pretty bad. cracked three ribs in front, not great. I am so used to this by now, I mean I am already at this point taking medication just to be able to move. Hand in hand of course there were all of my injuries that seemed to react in the way that made everything hurt worse because they were aggravated...Then there is

Accident #5...Just a few weeks ago. Travis and I were driving home from the store...and BAM from behind..lady ran...BUT she did end up having insurance, but I hurt my knee pretty bad and that kind of leads me back to the beginning of the post, I hurt my knee and aggravated my other injuries as well. It is kind of like I have been trying just to get through the days...So sometimes my posts might sound like I am whining, but I am trying not to complain as much anymore. I am slowly recovering and as long as nothing new happens again.. PRAYING.. then I am hoping to recover and not be in so much pain all the time! Anyway I thought as I was getting ready just now for the knee surgeon..."Remember back in the day when you weren't hurting at all?" and that made me think that I should share with that when I talk about something you kinda have an idea what I am talking about. That's all for now, it is time to go to the doctor. I will update this post when I have the info! TTFN


  1. Holy SHIZNIT!!! We have talked about your accidents but Lordy me I had NO IDEA about how extensive they were. YIKES!!! Ok so now I know why Travis will not let you drive without him... I totally get it, I wouldn't either!!! So... how did your doc visit go???

  2. Praying for a day when you will be pain free. I am so sorry that you have had to go through all of that!

    Don't ever worry about us thinking you are "whining" about stuff. Isn't that what this blog is for? To just let it all out! We're here for you always! :o)
